Up until GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was enforced on may 25th 2018 one of our customers used FTP servers to facilitate file transfers across the internet.

The cloud based application they provide for their customers collects great amounts of data. Periodically their customers like to query this data set to get Business Intelligence out of the registration software. In the past these data sets were provided by creating a copy of the database and send this file by using an FTP server. However, with the new legislation GDPR this way of transferring data is considered unsafe.

Nowadays, they use The Good Cloud. Within The Good Cloud we’ve created a couple of folders, one for each customer that demands a database file for BI. This folder is shared with the customers BI user(s). With the help of a command line tool we’ve developed, the necessary database is copied to The Good Cloud folder of the specific customer. This command line tool is triggered via Windows task manager. Once the file is downloaded by the customer’s BI user, one of the service desk employees will manually delete the file from The Good Cloud using the web-interface.