The Good Journal #2 Trouble with Upgrades

Today, I have a tale to share with you about my recent foray into the world of enterprise deployment and the surprises that come with it.

I must confess, I was feeling quite confident as I jumped right into deploying version 25.0.7 to our production environment. However, as with all things in life, it was not meant to be smooth sailing.

At first glance, all seemed well until I was met with the strangest warning during the integrity test. Some files didn’t seem to pass the test. Now, normally this wouldn’t be too alarming, as we do tend to patch and edit files from time to time. However, these files were on newly upgraded servers in a location that should not have been writable at all. You see, we deploy apps into a separate directory called “apps2,” which is hosted on persistent storage, and we mark the “apps” directory as not writable. And yet, Nextcloud’s own integrity test very clearly flagged these files as unknown and having failed their checks.

I had to quickly triple-check everything. There really shouldn’t have been any unknown files there. But when I looked closely at the files, they turned out to be some translation files into a dialect I was completely unaware of. I had no user on these upgraded servers that had that language set, and it still shouldn’t have been able to place those files there at all. So, I could not figure out what had created them.

It wasn’t until later that I realized my mistake. Perhaps it was because I had just returned from vacation, but there wasn’t some rogue process or invading nasty placing these files in the “apps” directory. Rather, the developers made a small error with adding these two translation files into this particular (enterprise) core app.

Now, while the sha256sum, gpg verification, and md5sum passed as expected on both my original and re-downloaded server files, I still got an indication that the integrity test had failed and some unexpected files had shown up. So, I reached out to the developers about it. If nothing else, just to give them a heads up.

At this point, I am pretty certain that it isn’t such a big problem. But, as with all things related to enterprise deployment, one must always be cautious. I am inherently hesitant to run enterprise code in production environments that come up with these big fat red warnings of extra mysterious unknown files that failed an integrity test in a language I have never heard of before.

So there you have it, dear readers. My recent misadventure with rogue translation files in our enterprise deployment. Let this be a lesson to us all – never let your guard down when it comes to the world of enterprise deployment.