The Good Tricks #1 Dyslexia
Tips and tricks on how to handle dyslexia using a Good Cloud environment.
Greetings! As I mentioned in my announcement of the new series of The Good Journal blog posts, I am dyslectic. Now, let me start by saying that I don’t have the worst case of dyslexia out there, but it still presents its fair share of challenges. That being said, I’ve come to learn that The Good Cloud/Nextcloud has some fantastic features that make managing information and reading less of a chore.
Back in my school days, the tools we had to deal with dyslexia were downright dreadful. Tinted glasses that gave me migraines, tests that were too big for the desk, and a pen that was supposed to read text out loud but nearly gave me a stutter – it was a bit of a nightmare. Lets look at some of the tools I’ve actually found helpful.
Tip # 1: The interface
As I sit here in my dimly lit study, pondering the mysteries of the digital world, a singular thought keeps nagging at me: why on earth are so many websites still clinging to the boring and uninspired white background? It’s as though we took the humble A4 paper and simply transplanted it onto our computer screens without ever considering the possibilities.
Now, I’m no Luddite – far from it. I embrace technology wholeheartedly and love nothing more than exploring the endless array of applications and interfaces that our digital age has to offer. But I can’t help feeling that we’re missing a trick by sticking with this outdated design standard.
Think about it: how much energy could we collectively save if everything defaulted to dark mode? Not to mention the fact that a different coloured background can actually help your eyes to focus and reduce strain. It’s a win-win situation!
Thankfully, there are some shining examples out there of interfaces that have embraced the potential of a darker colour scheme. Take Nextcloud, for example – this innovative platform offers users the option to switch to a darker background, making for a more comfortable and visually appealing experience.

But that is not all. You see, the default font in most applications is designed to be easy on the eyes – a calm and non-invasive presence that doesn’t demand too much attention. But for individuals with dyslexia, this can sometimes be a hindrance rather than a help. Reading becomes an arduous task, requiring a great deal of concentration and mental gymnastics just to make sense of the words on the page.
But fear not, dear readers – there is hope yet! Nextcloud offers a solution in the form of the OpenDyslexic font. This font is specifically designed to aid individuals with dyslexia by making it easier to distinguish between letters and improve overall readability. And let me tell you, it has made all the difference!
But that is not all. You see, the default font in most applications is designed to be easy on the eyes – a calm and non-invasive presence that doesn’t demand too much attention. But for individuals with dyslexia, this can sometimes be a hindrance rather than a help. Reading becomes an arduous task, requiring a great deal of concentration and mental gymnastics just to make sense of the words on the page.
But fear not, dear readers – there is hope yet! Nextcloud offers a solution in the form of the OpenDyslexic font. This font is specifically designed to aid individuals with dyslexia by making it easier to distinguish between letters and improve overall readability. And let me tell you, it has made all the difference!

No longer do I struggle to find my “oddly named folders” – with the OpenDyslexic font, everything is crystal clear. It’s like a breath of fresh air for my brain, allowing me to focus on what really matters without getting bogged down in the minutiae of trying to decipher text.
Tip #2: Collabora
One other helpful thing is the OpenDyslexic font added to the Collabora office suite. This does help a lot to see each letter. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “A font? How can that possibly make a difference?” But trust me, my dear readers, this is no ordinary typeface. Designed with dyslexic readers in mind, the OpenDyslectic font makes it easier to distinguish between letters and improve overall readability. It’s like a magic wand for your eyes, banishing those pesky jumbles of letters and replacing them with crisp, clear text.

But wait, there’s more! Another tool in my arsenal is the highlight feature in Collabora office suite. By adding a pop of colour to my text and zooming a bit, I’m able to keep track of where I am and what I’m trying to say.

And let me tell you, as someone who’s spent many a late night trying to decipher complex documents, this extension is an absolute lifesaver. The ability to customise the voice and speed means you can tailor the reading experience to suit your preferences.
So, whether you’re a student drowning in research papers or a professional inundated with reports, Read Aloud is here to save the day. Trust me, your eyes (and sanity) will thank you for it.
Tip #4: Keep a eye on AI
I’m simply thrilled at the prospect of these new technological tools. As a former victim of the education system’s heavy-handed approach to dyslexia, I’m eagerly anticipating the possibility that these innovations could help young children with dyslexia maintain their love for language, rather than being beaten down by the system as I was.
To be sure, Nextcloud’s v26 server is already boasting some impressive AI integrations, and one can’t help but wonder whether or not such technologies may soon provide invaluable assistance to the significant percentage of dyslexics in our midst.
It’s certainly an exciting time to be alive, what with the potential for technology to make a real difference in people’s lives, especially those who have traditionally been marginalised by society’s inability to accommodate their unique challenges.
Here’s hoping that this latest wave of innovation will bring about positive change for all those with dyslexia – and perhaps even spark a renewed appreciation for the richness and beauty of language itself!
For a example this is what openAI’s chatGPT can already very easily accomplish.

As a fellow linguistic warrior battling the scourge of dyslexia, I can empathise with the frustration of spelling words phonetically and still being foiled by that pesky spellchecker. But hark! The tide may be turning in our favour, for it seems that AI could hold the key to unlocking our full lexical potential.
Of course, as with any technological breakthrough, there are certain considerations to keep in mind. Namely, that utilising this kind of text processing does require sending your musings off to a separate server for analysis. Now, for those of us who enjoy penning whimsical blog posts or comedic documentation, the notion of our words being studied by an all-knowing machine may not be too bothersome. But when it comes to more personal writing, such as crafting intimate stories or delving into the depths of one’s psyche, the idea of sharing one’s innermost thoughts with an AI may give one pause.
Thankfully, there are options available for those who wish to maintain their privacy while still reaping the benefits of AI-powered text analysis. OpenAI, for instance, offers a paid version that allows users to avoid having their every keystroke used to teach the machine.
So take heart, dear friends, for the future of language is bright indeed. With the aid of OpenAI, Nextcloud, Collabora and The Good Cloud we may finally be able to conquer the red squiggly line once and for all – and emerge victorious as masters of the written word!