No more officespace!
When we first started our sister company 360 ICT, we’ve always done things remotely. In the first 9 years we didn’t even have an office. But we saw some downsides to that as we lost contact with each other. We did call/email, but these were all to the point conversations and we missed the “coffee machine talks”. These were the talks about trivial things, family, concerns about politics but also work related. Especially the minor work things that weren’t big enough to actually mention in a meeting were missed.
So we opened an office, first on Papendorp, Utrecht. We met up once a week and called it an “office day”. This was quite an operation as we had people coming over from all over the (Dutch) country. We had this office for quite a while and saw the office day pretty busy as HRM/administration used this opportunity to also handle their things. So it was quite hectic, but in one day a week we had the general stuff handled. Later we moved to a smaller/cheaper/less fancy office since the office was mostly unused for 3 days a week.
Then Covid happened and we didn’t go the office at all, as the government advised to work remotely if possible. We kept the office day, but virtual. So we started an Office day conference call at 08:30 and kept the meeting open while we did our work. This worked pretty nice actually. It also helped us with the issue that there was less overlap on working times. On the physical office day we had some people starting at 07:00 but also on 9:30, but this has completely gone on our virtual office day.
So after the office in Bunnik hadn’t been used in 1,5 years, we decided to completely stop with this office. Therefore our contact details don’t show an actual office address anymore.