Let’s be honest: when you’re online, a lot of information about you is publicly visible. If you think you don’t have anything to hide, you are wrong.

Every aspect of your private life can be analyzed, studied and scrutinised. Now our intention is not to scare you but we want to urge awareness. The internet can be a wonderful place but it is crucial to be aware of the dangers.

So we give you 5 reasons to care about your online privacy. We could give you a lot more, but let’s just start with 5.

“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”

Edward Snowden

1. “They are watching you”

Okay, this sounds scary, and it actually is. Many popular websites are tracking you. Web tracking gives websites the ability to keep tabs on every website visitor. They track you and every website you visit, they make a profile of you and use it for advertising. This could be quite convenient, no more advertising about diapers if you don’t have (small) children, we understand that. The thing is, it all happens behind your back. We have absolutely no idea with whom they are sharing their information and how much they actually know. You could ask yourself, how much do I want them to know? The answer is probably less than they do know.

2. Cyber crime

Collection of your personal data isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What’s particularly problematic is that when it gets into the hands of people with bad intentions, they can do very harmful things with it. A hacker can conduct identity theft, access your computer system and commit financial fraud.

3. Data analyzing

Your data can be maintained, analyzed and then sold. This all without you even having the slightest idea about it happening. These companies are known as data brokers or information brokers. Our data is being collected for many reasons, like (targeted) marketing and credit risk assessment. This all without asking for your consent. Luckily this data does not usually contain your name and contact details.

4. Data leaks

It happens on a daily basis; the data of hundreds maybe even thousands of people just out there, lying on the street. Although data leakage is not necessarily intended, it can be extremely harmful. Therefore it is important you carefully choose where you store your data and with whom and how you share it.

5. Privacy makes us human

Your online activities are an extension of your offline regular life. So what you do offline, like closing your curtains every now and then or locking your home, you must also do online. Privacy helps us to maintain our independence and individuality.

At The Good Cloud we strive to create a more privacy friendly internet for everyone. We want all individuals to maintain their autonomy and individuality. That’s why we offer privacy-friendly cloud storage.

Next time we’ll give you some tips on how to protect your privacy.